
Happy and on their way to a health-supportive and low-toxin life.


I have known Delaram for about 9 years. Since we met, Delaram has always been a wealth of knowledge when it comes to leading and living a healthy life. Over the years, she has provided so much valuable insight that has entirely changed how I live my life today. Because of her advice, I am very conscious of the everyday products I use from laundry detergent to soap, to skincare as well as the household products that I purchase. I feel confident in booking a consult with Delaram when I need to purchase something new because she goes the extra mile to share some of the knowledge as to why she's recommending a certain product and it helps me make more conscious decisions in the future. Delaram goes about this in a very non-judgmental way and provides honest and authentic feedback. I know I can always count on her and I'm so thankful for these changes that she's introduced in my life.


I have been lucky enough to know Delaram for most of my life and have witnessed first-hand her growing passion for finding balance, both within ourselves and in our relationship with nature. She has developed a holistic view of the powerful relationship between mind, body and soul, as well the impact of our environment.

In a world with overwhelming, and often conflicting information, consulting with Delaram is refreshing and inspiring as she graciously shares her insights and highlights connections with deep care and articulation.

Through her guidance and loving support, she has been a trusted advisor, and I highly recommend embarking on this journey with her.


I highly recommend consulting with Delaram on any household and personal products you are using to lead a healthier life. She has been my main trusted guide and source of information since receiving her master’s some years back. I’m grateful for the information and tips she’s shared with me because they made me an educated consumer. I didn’t know what questions to ask or what to look out for and avoid when buying cleaning products, creams, shampoos, soaps. Her information and tools based on evidence have turned me into an educated consumer. She has the ability to translate research into easy-to-understand terms and applicable suggestions. Excited to keep learning with her!


I am thrilled to recommend Delaram as an Environmental Health Coach. Delaram is incredibly knowledgeable and supportive, and she has a deep understanding of how toxic exposures can affect our health. She took a holistic approach to my health, addressing not only my physical symptoms but also the emotional and environmental factors that could be contributing to my health issues.  With the amount of information on the internet, taking this on myself was quite overwhelming and I am so happy to have Delaram as a resource to make things easier.   

Through her guidance, I learned how to reduce my exposure to toxins and make healthier choices in my diet and lifestyle. She helped me understand how toxins could be affecting me and my family's health, and she gave me practical tools and strategies to implement in our household. If you are thinking about making a positive change in your life, whether it be big or small, you won't be disappointed working with Safe & Bloom!


As a new mother, I found the number of decisions to make regarding my baby’s health overwhelming. I consulted Delaram to help me understand the risks and benefits of sterilizing methods for bottles and teething toys. Delaram got back to me quickly with thorough answers and reasoning behind her suggestions. It helped me feel more confident in making choices for my baby’s health and I felt good knowing I was minimizing his risk to leaching chemicals. I was grateful for her support, thank you Delaram!